I. Introduction
Statistics is a field that faces the challenges and problems from the areas of science and industry. These challenges and problems have exploded due to the invention and rapid growth of computers and information technologies. As the amount of data increased predominantly, extracting the patterns and trends, and understanding the data (i.e., learning from data) is required. This led to a new field known as “machine learning”. The amount of data is increasing each and every second and making sense of this enormous amount of data is a challenging task for data-driven industry people. The data is composed of a number of features. It mainly focuses on supervised and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning postulates the machine to learn from the data when a target variable is specified. Thus, the machine's task is reduced to only divine some pattern to get the target variable from the input data. Unsupervised learning is just the contrary of supervised learning. In which, the target value or label is not mentioned for the data. It also visualizes the data in two or three dimensions.