I. Introduction
During thermal spray process, coating materials (e.g. metals, alloys, and ceramics) are fed in spray torch and heated to a molten or semi-molten state and then accelerated towards the substrate to form a coat. Traditionally, two robot trajectory generation methods are applied to control the spray torch movements: on-line method is suitable for rapidly generating trajectories on the simple shaped coating surface (e.g. planar), but for complex free-form surface which requires hundred even thousand trajectory points, the on-line method seems to be time-consuming and hard to guarantee the trajectory accuracy. Off-line method refers to the possibility to transfer the well-designed robot trajectory through simulation software to the real robot cell. Such simulation software (e.g. RobotStudio™ in this case) is usually equipped with robot library and robot accessories which can be used to build up the simulation model same as the real robot cell components. It provides a virtual workstation for users to integrate the robot defined parameters (e.g. scanning step, spray distance, torch velocity) into robot trajectory and to realize the coating homogeneity.