1. Introduction
HEART disease and stroke are mainly due to occlusion due to atherosclerosis and high blood pressure [1]. Stroke remains the third most common cause of death in most industrialized countries. Atherosclerosis is a condition of thickening of artery due to deposition of multiple plaques [2]. It has been shown that surgical removal of plaques reduced the risk of ipsilateral stroke [3]. Since not all carotid plaques are necessarily harmful and as carotid surgery carries a considerable risk for the patient, optimized diagnosis and patient selection is of paramount importance. For both surgery and treatment, an early detection of carotid atherosclerosis plaque and the classification of the same into symptomatic [4] or asymptomatic [5] are crucial. Invasive methods like intravascular ultrasound [6], [7] carry risks. Non-invasive carotid artery ultrasound is also well established but the correlation between ultrasonographic features and the histological evaluation of carotid plaques is often poor [8], [9]. Improving the ultrasound image quality with adequate preprocessing as well as extracting discriminate features will increase the correlation between automated classification results and histological results of carotid plaques. In this paper, we present an effective texture derived atherosclerotic tissue characterization algorithm which can be used in CAD systems. We call the system as Atheromatic ™ (Patented Technology from Global Biomedical Technologies, Inc., California, USA). The block diagram, in Fig. 1, shows the structure of the algorithm. Block diagram of the proposed system