In the past few decades several Software reliability models have been proposed, modified and adopted in software industry. In spite of the diversity and elegance of many of these, there is still a need for models which can be more readily applied in practice [3]. Reliability models have been broadly classified into two categories-Fault Count models and Time Between Failure models. Under the fault count category of models, Goel and Okumoto [4] proposed the exponential growth model characterized by the following mean value function ; where the parameter is the initial fault content and indicates the fault detection rate. Following this celebrated model, many researchers have proposed several models with different mean value function ([6], [7], [8]). Under the time between failure category the models of Jelinski and Moranda [9] and Littlewood and Verrall [10] are the pioneering models. In this paper, we present a software reliability growth model based on Marshall-Olkin Generalized Exponential family of distributions proposed by Marshall and Olkin [1].