A simple and accurate design method for traveling-wave photodetectors is presented and illustrated by example. Fully distributed, hybrid-coplanar, traveling-wave photodet...Show MoreMetadata
A simple and accurate design method for traveling-wave photodetectors is presented and illustrated by example. Fully distributed, hybrid-coplanar, traveling-wave photodetectors are designed. Linear and nonlinear responses are measured, and linear responses are compared with design predictions. Record bandwidths of 190 GHz and record bandwidth-efficiency products of 84 GHz are measured. Behavior under high-power illumination is investigated and contrasted with lumped-element photodetectors. A phenomenological model, implying fundamental bandwidth-power limitations, is used to interpret the results.
Published in: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics ( Volume: 2, Issue: 3, September 1996)
DOI: 10.1109/2944.571760
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Molly Piels, John E. Bowers, "40 GHz Si/Ge Uni-Traveling Carrier Waveguide Photodiode", Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol.32, no.20, pp.3502-3508, 2014.
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Behnood G. Ghamsari, A. Hamed Majedi, "Superconductive Traveling-Wave Photodetectors", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol.19, no.3, pp.371-375, 2009.
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S. M. Madison, J. J. Plant, D. C. Oakley, D. C. Chapman, A. Napoleone, P. W. Juodawlkis, "Slab-coupled optical waveguide photodiode", 2008 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2008 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, pp.1-2, 2008.
Behnood G. Ghamsari, A. Hamed Majedi, "Superconductive Traveling-Wave Photodetectors: Fundamentals and Optical Propagation", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol.44, no.7, pp.667-675, 2008.
C. C. Renaud, D. Moodie, M. Robertson, A. J. Seeds, "High Output Power at 110 GHz with a Waveguide Uni-Travelling Carrier photodiode", LEOS 2007 - IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, pp.782-783, 2007.
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Tsu-Hsiu Wu, Wen-Chin Cheng, D.R. Lee, "High-speed undercut-wet-etching-active-region traveling-wave electroabsorption modulator", 2005 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, pp.426-427, 2005.
D. Pasalic, R. Vahldieck, "A hybrid drift-diffusion-TLM analysis of traveling-wave photodetectors", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol.53, no.9, pp.2700-2706, 2005.
F.J. Lin, T.H. Wu, Y.J. Chiu, "Microwave Performance of Undercut Active Region for Traveling Wave Electroabsorption Modulator", 2005 Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics, pp.528-529, 2005.
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Cites in Papers - Other Publishers (24)
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Kambiz Abedi, Vahid Ahmadi, Mohammad Kazem Moravvej-Farshi, "Optical and microwave analysis of mushroom-type waveguides for traveling wave electroabsorption modulators based on asymmetric intra-step-barrier coupled double strained quantum wells by full-vectorial method", Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol.41, no.10, pp.719, 2009.
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Kian-Giap Gan, Jin-Wei Shi, Yen-Hung Chen, Chi-Kuang Sun, Yi-Jen Chiu, John E. Bowers, "Ultrahigh power-bandwidth-product performance of low-temperature-grown-GaAs based metal-semiconductor-metal traveling-wave photodetectors", Applied Physics Letters, vol.80, no.21, pp.4054, 2002.
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