The cryomodule tests are on going to have better understandings of physics as a whole and eventually to provide safe and reliable operation for neutron production. Some f...Show More
The cryomodule tests are on going to have better understandings of physics as a whole and eventually to provide safe and reliable operation for neutron production. Some features are revealed to be interesting issues and need more attentions than expected, such as operating condition, collective effects between cavities, HOM coupler issues, end-group stability, cavity-coupler interactions, and vacuum/gas physics, waiting for more investigations. Up to now SNS cryomodules were mainly tested at 2.1 K/4.4 K, 10 pulse per second (pps) and 30 pps/60 pps tests are under progress. This paper presents briefly the experiences and the observations during tests of cryomodules.
Since April 2006 the SNS Superconducting linac (SCL) has been providing a main acceleration for the neutron production at the output energies ranges from about 850 MeV to 1 GeV [1].
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I.E. Campisi, S. Assadi, F. Casagrande, M. Crofford, G. Dodson, J. Galambos, M. Giannella, S. Henderson, M. Howell, Y. Kang, K. Kasemir, S.H. Kim, Z. Kursun, P. Ladd, H. Ma, D. Stout, W. Strong, Y. Zhang, M. Champion, "Status and performance of the spallation neutron source superconducting linac", 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC), pp.2502-2504, 2007.
M. McCarthy, D. Anderson, I. Campisi, F. Casagrande, R. Cutler, G. Dodson, K. Kasemir, S. Kim, D. Gurd, J. Galambos, Y. Kang, H. Ma, B. Riemer, J. Schubert, M. Stockli, "Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) high pulse repetition rate considerations", 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC), pp.614-616, 2007.
S.-H. Kim, R. Afanador, D.L. Barnhart, M. Crofford, B.D. Degraff, M. Doleans, J. Galambos, S.W. Gold, M.P. Howell, J. Mammosser, C.J. McMahan, T.S. Neustadt, C. Peters, J.W. Saunders, W.H. Strong, D.J. Vandygriff, D.M. Vandygriff, "Overview of ten-year operation of the superconducting linear accelerator at the Spallation Neutron Source", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol.852, pp.20, 2017.