The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is a short pulse neutron scattering facility located on the campus of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN, USA. The construction project was a partnership of six US DOE national laboratories, each of which had responsibility for designing and manufacturing a portion of the facility. At 1.4 MW of proton beam power on target, the SNS will operate at beam powers a factor of eight beyond that which has been previously achieved [1]. The SNS baseline parameters are summarized in Table 1. SNS Design Parameters
Beam Power on Target | 1.4 MW |
Beam Energy | 1.0 GeV |
Linac Beam Macropulse Duty Factor | 6.0% |
Beam Pulse Length | 1.0 msec |
Repetition Rate | 60 Hz |
Chopper Beam-On Duty Factor | 68% |
Peak macropulse if current | 38 mA |
Average Linac if current | 1.6 mA |
Ring accumulation time | 1060 turns |
Ring bunch intensity | |
Ring Space-Charge Tune Spread | 0.15 |
Beam Pulse Length on Target | 695 nsec |
Ring betatron tune | 6.23, 6.20 |