1. Introduction
In order to deliver video streams over the networks with different bandwidth to a variety of terminals, the conventional streaming systems usually prepare multiple encoded versions of each video to cope with the different characteristics of target terminals and delivery networks. Maintaining such multiple versions of videos streams at the transmission sides usually requires large storage capacity and management resources. To avoid the pitfalls of the conventional methods, The JVT (Joint Video Team) by ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU – T VCEG is currently standardizing Scalable Video Coding (SVC) with the aim at providing a flexible representation of compressed video bitstreams so that the compressed bitstreams can correspond to the changes in delivery and consumption environments [2]. In SVC, the bitstream is represented in salable ways with spatial layer, temporal layer and quality layer. A full SVC bitstreams can be extracted at all layers to form partial bitstreams in fine-granular levels with fast extraction process.