I. Introduction
The massive rise in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) encompasses everything from vehicular transportation and management to in-vehicle assistance services such as traffic monitoring and driver alerts. As a result, the gathering and transportation of information are critical components of all ITS implementations. Most typical ITS systems, however, can only detect a vehicle while it is in a fixed place. With the rapid advancement of human and social development, the importance of marine information technology systems (MITS) and monitoring the marine environment has grown in importance, drawing more and more attention to research and development. The typical maritime monitoring technique, which employs an oceanographic research boat, is expensive and time-consuming, and it has a limited spatial and temporal resolution. The underwater sensor network (UWSN) is a networking paradigm comprised of sensor nodes deployed at different underwater locations that sense, process, and transmit marine environmental data/information to one or more collection points (also called sink) or/and MITS, on the water surface [1]. Optical, acoustic, and radio frequency (RF) wireless carriers can be used for data transmission in UWSN [2]. RF has a low propagation delay in contrast with an acoustic signal. But, RF encounters high absorption which results in a high bit error rate (BER) or high link outage [3], [4]. Besides, Optical waves are affected by scattering, high attenuation, and absorption due to high dense salty water [5]. In contrast to RF and Optical waves, acoustic waves endure low absorption in water and hence regarded as the most preferred medium for long-range underwater communication. However, some of the limiting factors for acoustic signals are – long propagation delay, inter-symbol interference, distance-dependent bandwidth, and large Doppler shift [1], [6].