I Introduction
Recently, visible light communication (VLC) has drawn a lot of attention from the research community in the areas of high data rate transmission, secure communications, and indoor localization systems as well in intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) [1], [2]. The use of VLC in ITS will lead to potential new and useful applications. Traffic lights have been used to control traffic flow, are often located at a particular place, and are rarely moved. It would be of great use to enable the traffic lights to talk to the vehicles in their proximity and convey important information about the traffic conditions. The development of ITS has been motivated by the need to reduce traffic congestion and offer better user experience in navigation and location-specific services. In this work, the aim is to develop a framework that can be used for ITSs and can potentially support infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication; in the present context the infrastructure refers to traffic lights using VLC [3]. Specifically, traffic lights are used not only to provide orderly traffic flow, but also to share some pertinent information with the cars. The traffic light can provide information about the traffic conditions several blocks down the road, and in case of accidents this information would be useful to enable the passenger to divert from their original driving route to help reduce congestion and save time. The infrastructure of the ITS is composed of a central station that controls the traffic flow, and when new information is provided to the traffic lights it is first routed to the central station to undergo analysis to make sure it is a legitimate information and to provide a smart traffic control.