Alexey A. Kalentyev - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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It is not generally realized that while the refractive error due to the troposphere rapidly decreases with the elevation angle, its ionospheric counterpart behaves very differently. For target heights which are small or comparable to the Earth's radius the ionosphere refractive error initially increases with the elevation angle, attains the maximum value at elevation angles on the order of 100 mil...Show More
The paper describes experimental results of bistatic studies of meteor echoes at 200 mc using a high power source and highly directive antennas. The transmission paths studied ranged from 940 to 1800 km in length and included many off-great-circle paths. Diurnal burst rate curves are given for each path. Median duration of the VHF bursts is compared with theory. For certain paths, duty cycle and D...Show More
The paper describes a simple and accurate method for computing ionospheric and tropospheric bending. The only assumptions made are that the refractive gradient is radial and that the refractive index profile can be approximated by a finite number of linear segments whose thickness is small compared with the earth's radius. These assumptions are readily justifiable in all practical cases. Since the...Show More