Author details
Jorge Parra
Also published under: J. Parra
IK4-Ikerlan Technology Research Centre
Dependable Embedded Systems Area
Mondragon, Spain
Jorge Parra joined IK4-Ikerlan Technology Research Centre in 1999, and currently works as full time researcher within the Dependable Embedded Systems department. His main activity includes the design and development of smart environments and embedded safety-critical systems, focusing on dependable software aspects. In recent years, he has been actively involved in the design and development of railway systems such as an onboard ERTMS/ETCS system (SIL4) and power loading for tramways (SIL2). Holding an M.Sc. in industrial engineering from the University of Basque Country, he received his Ph.D. degree in telecommunication engineering from the same university. He is a certified TOV Functional Safety Engineer for the design of hardware and soft... Author's Published Works