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Evgeni Magid - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Mobile robots with wheeled, legged and hybrid bases are currently used in industrial and service sectors for diverse applications. In this paper, a comparative study of various hybrid path planning algorithms for avoiding static obstacles were carried out for determining a most efficient path planning algorithm for a given task. A modified Probabilistic Road Map (PRM) approach was combined with di...Show More
Manipulators are used extensively in industrial and service sectors due to their capability to carry out a task effectively. This paper presents a kinematic modelling, a workspace analysis, a static structural analysis and a simulation study of a simple 3 degrees-of-freedom (DoF) Cartesian manipulator developed for pressing buttons of an elevator. Denavit-Hartenberg approach was used for determini...Show More
Autonomy of a mobile robot can only be achieved if it independently deals with obstacles. This article discusses an experience of autonomously opening doors by the Russian crawler rescue robot Servosila Engineer. A door and handle detection is based on the YOLO v3 algorithm. The robot motion and stopping at a predefined distance are guided by a laser range finder. After gripping the door handle, t...Show More
Intelligent robots are employed in a variety of sectors due to their capability to carry out tasks autonomously. As a response to the growing importance of intelligent robots, a new master’s program in intelligent robotics was introduced by Kazan Federal University, Russia in 2017. It was created by analyzing the curricula of leading robotics universities worldwide. The main objective of this mast...Show More
This work develops a concept of using stationary IoT cameras with motion tracking and notification functions employed for a teleoperated unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) control. The notification function uses a popular messenger to improve an operator convenience. This approach allows the operator using a mobile phone as a UAV control panel by notifying on a presence of motion within a currently in...Show More
Soccer tournaments between robot teams are being held around the world to encourage robotic research. An accurate detection and tracking of a ball position, an identification of robots and objects during a game are crucial for robot teams. In this paper, object detection methods for identifying robots and a ball during a robot soccer game are presented. Standard OpenCV library functions were adjus...Show More
The paper presents a new library of realistic human models for the Gazebo simulator. Male and female models have different age, race, hairstyles, clothes, and accessories. Animations of running, walking, sitting, and talking are available for each model, which allows diversifying actions of actors in the simulation. The models were successfully tested for operability in human-robot interaction (HR...Show More
Nowadays, robots are used extensively in manufacturing sectors because they improve quality and efficiency of production processes. Robots can perform various tasks autonomously with optimal working speed and accuracy. Even in a fully autonomous mode, a human operator is still needed to supervise operations and resolve issues, which led to an emergence of the collaborative robotics field. This pap...Show More
Today, a collaborative robotics is a rapidly developing area due to its applications in a broad variety of sectors. Collaborative robots (cobots) are robots, which are designed specifically to work along with humans in a common workspace. This article discusses modern cobots employed in industrial and service sectors. Research activities associated with cobots used in virtual environments and real...Show More
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a rapidly growing branch of IoT (Internet of Things), which requires special treatment to cyber security due to confidentiality of healthcare data and patient health threat. Healthcare data and automated medical devices might become vulnerable targets of malicious cyber-attacks. While a large number of robotic applications, including medical and healthcare, emp...Show More
Fiducial marker (FM) systems have a wide range of applications, such as augmented reality, human-robot interaction, medical surgery, robot navigation, and swarm robotics. Moreover, FMs enable to calibrate optical sensors, which is a crucial step in most computer vision algorithms. A variety of considerations should be taken into account to decide which FM system is suitable for a particular applic...Show More
For a typical indoor environment, a seamless navigation could be achieved only under the condition that a robot is capable to interact with standard obstacles of a human-centered environment, including a successful negotiation with various types of doors. In this paper the Russian crawler robot Servosila Engineer was used for modelling a door handle detection procedure within the Gazebo simulator....Show More
This paper describes an implementation of autonomous perpendicular parking and parking spot search algorithms. A procedure of the perpendicular parking is based on geometric constraints of a parking spot and a vehicle. The procedure of perpendicular parking includes driving until a first free parking spot is found, setting a vehicle into an initial pose, performing a rear-drive parking with steeri...Show More
an important goal of modern robotics is to benefit from a growing availability of internet of things (IoT) devices. A single IoT device and their networks could significantly improve user awareness and ease a control of teleoperated robots. This paper discusses a concept of employing stationary IoT cameras in order to improve the convenience of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) control by displayin...Show More
This paper presents an adaptive multi-agent control strategy with dynamic obstacle avoidance. The strategy considers the limitation of the obstacle avoidance space which makes it more implementable in practical applications. Inspired by the coverage problem, the obstacle avoidance strategy is developed based on the Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) technique with a special design of time-varyi...Show More
An efficient autonomous exploration of an unknown environment is an important task for mobile robots, which is required in many domains. This paper considers three existing exploration approaches: frontier exploration algorithm (FEA), greedy algorithm (GrA) and Ergodic Environmental Exploration algorithm (E3). While original E3 deals only with empty environments, we propose a new modified version ...Show More
This paper studies an adaptive coverage control problem for a system of multiple car-like mobile robots. The Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) is applied to generate an optimal coverage configuration of the multi-agent system for a dynamic region. A function approximation technique based immersion and invariance (FATII) controller is proposed to drive the system to the generated optimal config...Show More
Simulations became a convenient, easy and safe way to interact with a robot in a virtual world in order to reproduce complex tasks and environments, preliminary evaluate new concepts and algorithms instead of directly building complicated testing field constructions in real world. Yet, a simulation requires an adequate model of a robot that corresponds well to its hardware original. This paper pre...Show More
The task of sensory-based autonomous navigation of mobile robots requires data fusion from multiple sources in order to properly detect and recognize environmental obstacles. One of important issues mobile robots deal in a typical multi-level indoor environment is a stair well detection and negotiation. This paper presents ROS-based stairs detection implementation using onboard cameras of the Russ...Show More
Camera calibration is an essential research field with a high potential for emerging algorithms and calibration targets. In this work, we present a virtual experiments approach in Gazebo simulator for exhaustive camera calibration methods and calibration targets evaluation. Key steps of the camera calibration workflow were adapted to the Gazebo simulation approach. We proposed a virtual camera cal...Show More
This letter presents an adaptive coverage control strategy for multi-agent systems with obstacle avoidance in the presence of actuator faults and time-varying uncertainties. The strategy is based on a leader-follower approach. Assuming that the motion of the leader is given, one distributes the followers within the leader's obstacle-free sensing range so that collisions with obstacles can be avoid...Show More
The transparency of a telerobotic system indicates a measure of how the human feels the remote system. Haptic perception plays a very important role in improving such system transparency. It enables the operator to feel the environment properties, evaluate object structures, and allow him/her to commit appropriate force control actions for safe manipulation. However, the typical approach to acquir...Show More
Precise robot localization is important for all mobile robots, which has to deal with accumulating odometry errors, onboard sensory noise, harsh environmental conditions, unstable or missing GPS signal, and absence or uncertainties of a global map. Yet, localization is considered in Smart Environments applying dynamic connectivity with external local sensors within the Internet of Things (IoT) par...Show More
In this work, we present a definition of a neurointerface architecture combined from two main parts (1) neuroport (a hardware device) that implements a neuro protocol, generated and managed by a (2) neuroterminal (a software). The proposed architecture was created by analogy with OSI network architecture. We also present the neuroterminal as an oscillator motif real-time neurosimulation and result...Show More
Smartphones are becoming more and more high-performance devices every year, which allows to use them in new types of applications, including control and automation. This paper presents an Android OS based control tool that unifies a remote control of heterogeneous robotic systems. The current version of the tool controls the humanoid ROBOTIS OP2 robot, the wheeled differential drive TIAGo Base mob...Show More