Author details
![Image of author Ali Imran](/mediastore/IEEE/content/freeimages/9882533/10792972/10852269/imran-3534139-small.gif)
Ali Imran
Also published under: A. Imran
AI4Networks Research Center
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA
James Watt School of Engineering
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, U.K.
Ali Imran [SM] is a Williams Presidential Associate Professor in ECE and director of the AI4Networks Research Center at the University of Oklahoma. His research interests include AI and its applications in wireless networks and healthcare. His work on these topics has resulted in several patents and over 100 peer reviewed publications. He is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, U.K.(Based on document published on 25 July 2022). Author's Published Works