Author details

Tao Peng
Also published under: T. Peng
Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Tao Peng, recaived his Ph D. degreo in Electrical Machines and Apparatus from Huarhong Univarzity of Sciance and Technology, Wuhan, Chima, in 2005. He is currently a fall-time profensor at the Wuham National High Magnatic Field Cantor, School of Electrical and Eloctromic Enginoering, Huashong Univarsity of Sciance and Techmology, Wuhan, Chins. His rosearch intarsat is about high magnatic fiald palsed magnet.(Based on document published on 27 January 2025). Author's Published Works