Janine Kniess - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-12 of 12 results


This paper presents as a contribution an Industrial Internet system that enables the distributed execution of assembly and counting of industrial parts, using Function Blocks of Standard IEC 61499, which normally occurs in a centralized way. The Function Blocks run on microcontrollers that communicate via the OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) protocol with the Factory I/O,...Show More
Low Power Wide Area Networks are designed with a focus on Internet of Things applications that demand a transmission in the order of kilometers. In this paper, we present a performance assessment of LoRa technology and the LoRaWAN communication protocol as a function of the distance between the nodes, and as a function of the spectral spread factor (SF). For the evaluation, we implemented two real...Show More
A smart urban mobility considers the technological-based development in transport systems, services and their use to improve the movement of people and goods inter or intra-cities. Cities increasingly face problems caused by traffic and need to find solutions to improve mobility and to reduce congestion and pollution. In this paper, we present a Passenger Counting Scheme into buses. Embedded count...Show More
The efficient management of resources after a disaster, must take place within a short time and efficiently. Therefore, resource scheduling protocol which shares resources among the victims, respecting time constraints, is decisive. In disaster scenarios, communication infrastructure is usually damaged and a commonly used solution for ensuring connectivity between victims and providers is Mobile A...Show More
This paper presents an approach for resource scheduling in service discovery to MANETs operating in cenarios with time constraints, as emergency scenarios. The shared resources can be ambulances or rescue cars. With an efficient model of resource scaling, it is intended to provide the largest number of victims in the shortest time. In this work, we present an approach for resource scheduling model...Show More
This paper proposes an Architecture based on Internet of Things for passenger counting in bus. The Architecture provides informations about the number of passengers per route in a public transportation system that adopts integrated billing. Experiments were performed with microcontrollers boarded on buses and with the COAP and Ble 6LowPan protocols. Cameras were installed on the buses and Computat...Show More
Low-power and Lossy network (LNN) is commonly deployed in Internet of Things applications. It consists of a considerable amount of devices, also known as motes, with sensory capacity and wireless connectivity deployed in a wide geographical area. Such devices face limitations in terms of energy, memory and processing. A common topology in LNN is a mesh-like one. The communication between nodes oft...Show More
This paper presents a genetic algorithm for resource scheduling in service discovery to MANETs operating in emergency scenarios. The shared resources could be ambulances or support cars. Through an appropriate model for scheduling resources, we aim to attend the greatest number of victims in the affected area. Performance evaluation results on the Network Simulator NS-3 confirm the effectiveness o...Show More
The search for service providers (e.g., ambulance, fire truck, etc.) after a disaster, must take place within a short time. Therefore, service discovery protocol which looks for providers that can attend victims, respecting time constraints, is crucial. In such a situation, a commonly solution for ensuring network connectivity between victims and providers is ad hoc networks (MANET), composed by b...Show More
The use of Centrality Measures (CMs) in the analysis of Online Social Networks (OSNs) has proved to be an effective strategy for identification of potentially influential users who can disseminate information on the network faster and more efficiently. Nevertheless, the selection based on individual CMs focuses in a particular user's attribute that singly may not reflect its real importance. In th...Show More
In service discovery protocols for mobile ad hoc networks (Manets) assisting emergency search and rescue missions, a key problem is to keep the system operating despite the existence of faults. In this paper, we propose a fault-tolerant service discovery mechanism based on localization that considers the requesting node's localization, the request response time and the maximum node speed to guaran...Show More
Service selection in service discovery protocols has an important effect on wireless multi-hop ad hoc networks (MANETs) performance. This work proposes a service selection mechanism based on localization to reduce the redundant replies in these protocols. The mechanism dynamically selects the best resource providers during the reply transmissions taking into account geographic distance, speed and ...Show More