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Mihir Choudhury - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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With the adoption of cloud services and the reliability and resiliency it offers, enterprises are eager to understand how many of their legacy applications can be containerized. We propose Application Containerization advisor (ACA), a framework that provides a containerization advisory for legacy applications. Given an application description in terms of its technical components, ACA proposes a mu...Show More
Sequential circuits are combinational circuits that are separated by registers. Retiming is considered as the most promising technique for optimizing sequential circuits, that involves moving the edge-triggered registers across the combinational logic without changing the functionality. Despite significant efforts spent on sequential optimization since 1980's, there are few works? discussed its pe...Show More
This paper presents an advanced DAG-based algorithm for datapath synthesis that targets area minimization using logic-level resource sharing. The problem of identifying common specification logic is formulated using unweighted graph isomorphism problem, in contrast to a weighted graph isomorphism using AIGs. In the context of gate-level datapath circuits, our algorithm solves the unweighted graph ...Show More
Traditional datapath synthesis for standard-cell designs go through extraction of arithmetic operations from the high-level description, high-level synthesis, and netlist generation. In this paper, we take a fresh look at applying high-level synthesis methodologies in logic synthesis. We present a DAG-Aware synthesis technique for datapaths synthesis which is implemented using And-Inv-Graphs. Our ...Show More
Adders are the most fundamental arithmetic units, and often on the timing critical paths of microprocessors. Among various adder configurations, parallel prefix adders provide the best performance vs. power/area trade-off, especially for higher bit-widths. With aggressive technology scaling, the performance of a parallel prefix adder, in addition to the dependence on the logic-level, is determined...Show More
Adders are the most fundamental arithmetic units, and often on the timing critical paths of microprocessors. Among various adder configurations, parallel prefix structures provide the high performance adders for higher bit-widths. With aggressive technology scaling, the performance of a parallel prefix adder, in addition to the dependence on the logic-level, is determined by wire-length and conges...Show More
The design complexity of modern high performance processors calls for innovative design techniques and methodologies for achieving time-to-market goals. New design techniques are also needed to curtail power increases that inherently arise from ever increasing performance targets. This paper describes new processor design and optimization approaches that bridge the gap between high performance and...Show More
This paper proposes an efficient algorithm to synthesize prefix graph structures that yield adders with the best performance-area trade-off. For designing a parallel prefix adder of a given bit-width, our approach generates prefix graph structures to optimize an objective function such as size of prefix graph subject to constraints like bit-wise output logic level. Given bit-width n and level (L) ...Show More
Achieving timing-closure has become one of the hardest tasks in logic synthesis due to the required stringent timing constraints in very large circuit designs. In this paper, we propose a novel synthesis paradigm to achieve timing-closure called Timing-Aware CUt Enumeration (TACUE). In TACUE, optimization is conducted through three aspects: (1) a new divide-and-conquer strategy is proposed that ge...Show More
As dynamic variability increases with CMOS scaling, it is essential to incorporate large design-time timing margins to ensure yield and reliable operation. Online techniques for timing error resilience help recover timing margins, improving performance and/or power consumption. This paper presents TIMBER, a technique for online timing error resilience that masks timing errors by borrowing time fro...Show More
This paper proposes an efficient algorithm to synthesize prefix graph structures that yield adders with the best performance-area trade-off. For designing a parallel prefix adder of a given bit-width, our approach generates prefix graph structures to optimize an objective function such as size of prefix graph subject to constraints like bit-wise output logic level. Besides having the best performa...Show More
With technology scaling, logical errors arising due to single-event upsets and timing errors arising due to dynamic variability effects are increasing in logic circuits. Existing techniques for online resilience to logical and timing errors are limited to detection of errors, and often result in significant performance penalty and high area/power overhead. This paper proposes approximate logic cir...Show More
This paper describes two algorithms for the selective assignment of input don't cares (DCs) for logical derating of input errors to enhance reliability. It is motivated by the observation that reliability-driven assignment of DCs can improve input error resilience by up to 49.7% in logic circuits. Two algorithms - ranking-based and complexity-factor-based - for reliability-driven DC assignment are...Show More
Graphene nanoribbon FETs (GNRFETs) are promising devices for beyond-CMOS nanoelectronics due to their excellent carrier-transport properties and potential for large-scale processing and fabrication. This paper combines atomistic quantum-transport modeling with circuit simulation to perform technology exploration for GNRFET circuits. Results indicate that GNRFETs offer significant gains over scaled...Show More
Bi-decomposition techniques have been known to significantly reduce area, delay, and power during logic synthesis since they can explore multi-level and, or, and xor decompositions in a scalable technology-independent manner. The complexity of bi-decomposition techniques is in achieving a good variable partition for the given logic function. State-of-the-art techniques use heuristics and/or brute-...Show More
With aggressive gate oxide scaling, latent defects in the gate oxide manifest as traps that, in time, lead to gate oxide breakdown. Progressive gate oxide breakdown, also referred to as time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB), is emerging as one of the most important sources of performance degradation in nanoscale CMOS devices. This paper describes an accurate analytical model to predict the de...Show More
Increasing dynamic variability with technology scaling has made it essential to incorporate large design-time timing margins to ensure yield and reliable operation. Online techniques for timing error resilience help recover timing margins, improving performance and/or power consumption. This paper presents TIMBER, a technique for online timing error resilience that masks timing errors by borrowing...Show More
This paper describes a timing-driven optimization technique for the synthesis of multi-level logic circuits. Motivated by the parallel prefix problem, the proposed timing-driven optimization produces logic circuits with ldquolookaheadrdquo properties due to the inherent parallelism among the synthesized sub-circuits. Lookahead logic circuits are synthesized using global critical path sensitization...Show More
There is a growing concern about timing errors resulting from design marginalities and the effects of circuit aging on speed-paths in logic circuits. This paper presents a low overhead solution for masking timing errors on speed-paths in logic circuits. Error masking at the outputs of a logic circuit is achieved by synthesis of a non-intrusive error-masking circuit that has at least 20% timing sla...Show More
Reliability of logic circuits is emerging as an important concern in scaled electronic technologies. Reliability analysis of logic circuits is computationally complex because of the exponential number of inputs, combinations, and correlations in gate failures. This paper presents three accurate and scalable algorithms for reliability analysis of logic circuits. The first algorithm, called observab...Show More
Graphene has emerged as one of the most promising materials to address scaling challenges in the post silicon era. A simple model for graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistors (GNRFETs) is developed for treating the effects of edge bond relaxation, the third nearest neighbor interaction, and edge scattering, all of which are pronounced in GNRFETs, but not in carbon nanotube FETs.Show More
This paper describes a tunable transient filter (TTF) design for soft error rate reduction in combinational logic circuits. TTFs can be inserted into combinational circuits to suppress propagated single- event upsets (SEUs) before they can be captured in latches/flip- flops. TTFs are tuned by adjusting the maximum width of the propagated SEU that can be suppressed. TTFs require 6-14 transistors, m...Show More
Graphene nanoribbon FETs (GNRFETs) are promising devices for beyond-CMOS nanoelectronics because of their excellent carrier transport properties and potential for large scale processing and fabrication. This paper combines atomistic quantum transport modeling with circuit simulation to perform technology exploration for GNRFET circuits. A quantitative study of the effects of variations and defects...Show More
This paper describes a scalable, technology-independent algorithm for the synthesis of approximate logic circuits. A low overhead, non-intrusive solution for concurrent error detection (CED) based on such circuits is described in this paper. CED based on approximate logic circuits does not impose any performance penalty on the original design. The proposed synthesis algorithm for approximate logic...Show More
Reliability of logic circuits is emerging as an important concern that may limit the benefits of continued scaling of process technology and the emergence of future technology alternatives. Reliability analysis of logic circuits is NP-hard because of the exponential number of inputs, combinations and correlations in gate failures, and their propagation and interaction at multiple primary outputs. ...Show More