Author details
Mohammad Ali Khalighi
Also published under: M. A. Khalighi, Mohammad-Ali Khalighi, Mohammad-ali Khalighi, M. Khalighi, M. -A. Khalighi, M. Ali Khalighi

Mohammad Ali Khalighi
Also published under: M. A. Khalighi, Mohammad-Ali Khalighi, Mohammad-ali Khalighi, M. Khalighi, M. -A. Khalighi, M. Ali Khalighi
Aix-Marseille University
CNRS Centrale Med
Fresnel Institute, Marseille, France
Mohammad-Ali Khalighi (Senior Member, IEEE) is an Associate Professor with École Centrale Méditérranée, Marseille, France, and the Head of the Optical Communications for IoT Group, Fresnel Institute Research Laboratory. He was the Co-Editor of the book Visible Light Communications: Theory and Applications (CRC Press, 2017). His main research interests include signal processing for wireless communication systems, with an emphasis on free-space, underwater, and indoor visible-light optical communications. He was a co-recipient of the 2019 Best Survey Paper Award of the IEEE Communications Society. He is currently serving as the Action Chair for the COST Action CA19111 NEWFOCUS, and also served as a Project Coordinator for the H2020 ITN MSCA V... Author's Published Works