Elisabetta Tedeschi - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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In response to the rise of crime in short-range communication systems, a novel method for authenticating co-located devices is presented. Our method, Channel Randomness Yields Secure Proximity (ChRYSP) exploits the fundamental properties of the wireless RF channel to protect against relay attacks and replay attacks - the two most common impersonation attacks in short-range communication systems. C...Show More
Channel-State-Information (CSI)-based Key Generation (KG) is an attractive technique for generating symmetric cryptographic keys due to low memory and processing power requirements. CSI-based KG protocols also promise high key rates for vehicular communication channels due to the rich entropy inherited in such dynamic channels. However, as a relatively new field, physical layer security is often l...Show More
Radio signal-based (indoor) localisation technique is important for IoT applications such as smart factory and warehouse. Through machine learning, especially neural networks methods, more accurate mapping from signal features to target positions can be achieved. However, different radio protocols, such as WiFi, Bluetooth, etc., have different features in the transmitted signals that can be exploi...Show More
We present a novel scheme for testing the proximity of an Ultra-high frequency (UHF) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) transponder, based on the fact that two co-located devices experience correlated channel fluctuations on a reference signal. When the interrogator requests data from the transponder, the latter performs backscattering modulation on the carrier-wave provided by a helper node. T...Show More
Multi-armed bandit is a widely-studied model for sequential decision-making problems. The most studied model in the literature is stochastic bandits wherein the reward of each arm follows an independent distribution. However, there is a wide range of applications where the rewards of different alternatives are correlated to some extent. In this paper, a class of structured bandit problems is studi...Show More
To secure transmissions in the presence of a passive eavesdropper whose Channel State Information (CSI) is unknown, classical Physical Layer Security (PLS) uses Artificial Noise (AN) in order to degrade the eavesdropper’s channel. This paper suggests an alternative way of achieving confidentiality which is based on Base Station (BS) cooperation on the downlink as supported in 3GPP LTE-advanced and...Show More
This paper presents a novel game theoretic attack-defence decision making framework for cyber-physical system (CPS) security. Game theory is a powerful tool to analyse the interaction between the attacker and the defender in such scenarios. In the formulation of games, participants are usually assumed to be rational. They will always choose the action to pursuit maximum payoff according to the kno...Show More
Angle-of-arrival (AoA) estimation is of great interest, particularly for using radio to localize a device; good estimates of angles result in good estimates of location. In this letter, we propose a signal processing and machine learning combined tool for the AoA estimation. In particular, we utilize regression models trained using the snapshot data collected using multiple antennas for estimating...Show More
Angle of arrival (AoA) estimation or direction finding (DF) has been extensively studied in the literature. Many existing AoA estimation algorithms perform a search over the entire angle space for the correct result. While such computational complexity is manageable in a number of scenarios, for future commercial small and low power wireless devices such as Bluetooth based internet of things (IoT)...Show More
Distributed caching is a promising technique for reducing redundant data traffic and user content access delay in telecommunications systems. This article explores caching technologies with a focus on the processing of content requests in todays hierarchical wireless cellular networks. The authors observed that, as the number of caches at different layers of the network increases, the disadvantage...Show More
The enhancement of wireless technologies for machine-type communications and the Internet of things attracts the attention of recent communications research. The IEEE 802.11 task group TGah proposes to use group-based contention scheme in the MAC of its proposed amendment 11ah in order to cope with massive power constrained stations (STAs) per access point (AP). However the detailed regrouping tec...Show More
Recent research on Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies which provide the capability of serving massive low power devices simultaneously has been very attractive. The LoRaWAN standard is one of the most successful developments. Commercial pilots are seen in many countries around the world. However, the feasibility of large scale deployments, for example, for smart city applications nee...Show More
Electricity production and distribution is facing two major changes. First, production is shifting from classical energy sources such as coal and nuclear power toward renewable resources such as solar and wind. Second, consumption in the low voltage grid is expected to grow significantly due to the expected introduction of electrical vehicles. The first step toward more efficient operational capab...Show More
Electric vehicles (EVs) provide environmentally friendly transport and they are considered to be an important component of distributed and mobile electric energy storage and supply system. It is possible that EVs can be used to store and transport energy from one geographical area to another as a supportive energy supply. Electricity consumption management should consider carefully the inclusion o...Show More
Facilitated by advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) infrastructure and optimization techniques, smart grid has the potential to bring significant benefits to the energy consumption management. This paper presents a game theoretic consumption scheduling framework based on the use of mixed integer programming (MIP) to schedule consumption plan for residential consumers. In parti...Show More
With the advent of smart grids it is becoming possible to reduce the peak-to-average ratio (PAR) in electrical demand by transitioning household appliances to off-peak hours. As electric vehicles (EV) become more numerous it will be increasingly important to shift the power consumption of EV from peak times since EV have the potential to consume as much as an average home and so increase the PAR c...Show More
Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered to be an important component of distributed energy storage and supply devices in smart grids. EVs can serve as a distributed mobile energy resource in the electricity market. They can be used to store and transport energy from one geographical area to another as supportive energy supply. EVs should be included in future electricity demand management and consu...Show More
Cognitive radio has been described as the panacea to the problem of ever growing demand and scarcity of the radio spectrum. Fundamental to the successful implementation of cognitive radio is spectrum sensing. Here, we propose and investigate the performance of eigenvalue and support vector machine (SVM) based learning approach for spectrum sensing in multi-antenna cognitive radios. The simulation ...Show More
Optimization of energy consumption in future intelligent energy networks (or Smart Grids) will be based on grid-integrated near-real-time communications between various grid elements in generation, transmission, distribution and loads. This paper discusses some of the challenges and opportunities of communications research in the areas of smart grid and smart metering. In particular, we focus on s...Show More
There are significant challenges as well as great opportunities for research at both policy and technology levels on the efficient use of energy. Most existing power generation and distribution systems are based on a century old mechanism where power grids are managed by vertically integrated utilities. Intelligent power grids known as smart grids are required as the demand for energy continues to...Show More
We propose a consumption scheduling mechanism for home and neighbourhood area load demand management in smart grid using integer linear programming (ILP) and game theory. The proposed mechanism is able to schedule both the optimal power and the optimal operation time for power-shiftable appliances and time-shiftable appliances respectively according to the power consumption patterns of all the ind...Show More
In this paper we propose an efficient operation mechanism of interference mitigation and mobility management. The main idea is to schedule radio resources between macrocell and femtocell base stations and pass the desired packet data through a femtocell base station without handover/access to the CSG (closed subscriber group) femtocell. The key benefit of this proposed mechanism is to achieve high...Show More