Author details

Jong-Hyouk Lee
Also published under: Jong-hyouk Lee, J. -H. Lee
Dept. of Computer and Information Security & Convergence Engineering for Intelligent Drone
Sejong University
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Jong-Hyouk Lee received the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea. He was with INRIA, France, for IPv6 vehicular communication and security research. He was an Assistant Professor with TELECOM Bretagne, France. In 2013, he moved to Sangmyung University, Cheonan, South Korea. He is an author of the Internet Standards: IETF RFC 8127 and IETF RFC 8191. His research interests include blockchain, malware analysis, and protocol analysis. He received the Best Paper Award from the IEEE WiMob 2012, the 2015 Best Land Transportation Paper Award from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, and the Haedong Young Scholar Award in 2017. He was a tutorial speaker at the IEEE WCNC 2013, the IEEE VTC 2014 Sprin... Author's Published Works