Author details

Gui-Song Xia
Also published under: Guisong Xia, G. -S. Xia, Gui-song Xia, Gui–Song Xia
School of Artificial Intelligence
Wuhan University
Wuhan, China
Gui-Song Xia received the PhD degree in image processing and computer vision from CNRS LTCI, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, France, in 2011. From 2011 to 2012, he has been a postdoctoral researcher with the Centre de Recherche en Mathématiques de la Decision, CNRS, Paris-Dauphine University, Paris, for one and a half years. He is currently working as a full professor at Wuhan University. He has also been working as visiting scholar with DMA, École Normale Supérieure (ENS-Paris) for two months in 2018. His current research interests include mathematical modeling of images and videos, structure from motion, perceptual grouping, and remote sensing image understanding. He serves on the editorial boards of several journals, including the Pattern Reco... Author's Published Works