Author details

Wang Ling Goh
Also published under: W. L. Goh, Wang-Ling Goh, Wangling Goh
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Jurong West, Singapore
Wang Ling Goh (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Bachelor of Engineering degree in electrical and electronic engineering and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in microelectronics from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast, U.K., in 1990 and 1995, respectively.,She joined the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) as a Lecturer and became an Associate Professor in 2004. Prior to the current appointment, she as an Associate Dean (Academic) at the Graduate College, she had held many academic positions such as deputy director (undergraduate) of the Renaissance Engineering Programme (June 2019–July 2021), a coordinator for the final year projects at the School of EEE (September 2018–July... Author's Published Works