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Andrew M. Weiner - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-25 of 503 results


We employ phase modulation to measure the phase coherence between 31.75 GHz-spaced frequency bins in a biphoton frequency comb generated from an integrated quasi-phase-matched thin-film lithium niobate microresonator.Show More
We use the Vernier dual-comb method to separately detect and stabilize the ~ THz rep rate and ~100 GHz carrier envelope offset frequency of an octave spanning Kerr comb - both outside the bandwidth of conventional electronics.Show More
In this work, we describe a procedure for synthesizing racetrack resonators with large quality factors and apply it to realize a multi-channel wavelength-selective switch (WSS) on a silicon photonic chip. We first determine the contribution of each component primitive to propagation loss in a racetrack resonator and use this data to develop a model for the frequency response of arbitrary order, co...Show More
We present a technique for steering of pulsed optical beams in a dynamic fashion using virtually imaged phased array (VIPA). We demonstrate steering of an ultrashort pulse input across a 0.9 mm aperture in discrete ~115 um and ~20 ps spatial and temporal steps, respectively.Show More
We demonstrate an architecture for dualmicrocomb-based readout of an optical clock. Microcombs frequency-divide a compact narrow-linewidth laser, capable of being frequency-doubled to within a few GHz of a 171Yb+ clock transition, to an RF output.Show More
Leveraging the Vernier dual-comb method, we self-reference a THz octave¬spanning microcomb with fCEO ~100 GHz - normally too high for typical detection equip¬ment - and translate the stability of an RF reference to optical frequencies.Show More
Frequency-bin qubits possess unique synergies with wavelength-multiplexed lightwave communications, suggesting valuable opportunities for quantum networking with the existing fiber-optic infrastructure. Although the coherent manipulation of frequency-bin states requires highly controllable multi-spectral-mode interference, the quantum frequency processor (QFP) provides a scalable path for gate syn...Show More
We characterize essential building blocks of multimode filters, offering a path to first-time-right design of high-Q devices on active photonic MPW runs.Show More
We experimentally demonstrate add-drop resonators on a silicon-on-insulator commercial foundry platform with an ultrahigh intrinsic quality factor, ultrahigh loss-limited finesse, and the ability to obtain large per-pass power coupling coefficients.Show More
We perform time-resolved second-order coherence characterization of multiple photon resonances from an integrated 40.5 GHz silicon nitride microring, using electro-optic modulation to observe interference effects otherwise hidden by detector jitter.Show More
We demonstrate the use of a dual comb photonic system for downconversion and disambiguation of RF signals ranging from 4.3 GHz to 17.3 GHz. Our system has future potential for miniaturization, a key for deployment in real-world applications.Show More
We demonstrate an optical pulse shaper in silicon nitride with spectral resolution on the order of a few GHz and line-by-line phase control for potential applications in quantum communications and networking.Show More
We propose and analyze the use of linear, time-variant cavities for spectral compression of broadband frequency correlated photon pairs, with potential applications in quantum networking. Our time-varying cavity relies on rapid electro-optic switching of input coupling to the cavity.Show More
We propose an all-optical scheme for dynamic pulsed beam steering using a spatial array of optical frequency combs with a uniform gradient in their carrier-envelope offset frequencies.Show More
We demonstrate a simple and versatile scheme to generate all four two-dimensional frequency-bin Bell states using single and dual spectral-line pumps and passive filtering. Experimentally, we measure ≥97% fidelity for all states.Show More
We demonstrate remote state preparation between three spatially distributed nodes over campus fiber. Utilizing entanglement resources established through flex-grid bandwidth techniques, we nonlocally prepare desired polarization qubit states on demand, showcasing the feasibility of this quantum protocol in a deployed network.Show More
We demonstrate a Bell-state analyzer that operates directly on frequency mismatch and unambiguously distinguishes two of four Bell states with accuracy exceeding 98%, opening a feasible path to wavelength-multiplexed quantum networks.Show More
We show that the d-dimensional discrete Fourier transform can be implemented by adding RF harmonics to the applied modulation in a quantum frequency processor. Implementing the d = 3 case experimentally, we quantify entanglement and perform full quantum state tomography.Show More
We generate a biphoton frequency comb from an integrated 40.4 GHz silicon nitride microring and probe the phase coherence through electro-optic mixing of the frequency bins followed by time-resolved detection of the time-correlation function.Show More
We propose and analyse the use of time-varying cavities for spectral compression and spectral broadening, with potential applications in quantum networking. Our time-varying cavities rely on rapid electro-optic switching of input/output coupling.Show More
Utilizing electro-optic modulation and pulse shaping for random measurements, we reconstruct the full density matrix of biphoton frequency combs for entangled qudits up to d = 5. Our method relies on simple experimental settings and can be applied to any frequency-bin quantum system.Show More