Author details
S. K. Kong
Program of Biochemistry
School of Life Sciences
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, Hong Kong, China
S. K. Kong was born in Hong Kong, China. He received the Ph.D. degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Shatin, Hong Kong, in 1989, and the MBA degree from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., in 1996.,Since 1999, he has been a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, CUHK. His current research interests include how cancer cells bypass the cell death program to be immortal cells and the use of surface plasmon resonance to determine interactions of biomolecules.,Prof. Kong is a Chartered Biologist and a member of the Institute of Biology, U.K.(Based on document published on 26 May 2009). Author's Published Works