Author details

Hisamatsu Nakano
Also published under: H. Nakano, Hisa-matsu Nakano
EM Engineering Institute
Hosei University
Koganei, Tokyo, Japan
Hisamatsu Nakano (Life Fellow, IEEE) has been with Hosei University, since 1973, where he is currently a Professor Emeritus and a Special-Appointment Researcher with the Electromagnetic Wave Engineering Research Institute attached to the graduate school. He has held positions as an Visiting Associate Professor at Syracuse University, from March 1981 to September 1981, and an Visiting Professor at the University of Manitoba, from March 1986 to September 1986, the University of California, Los Angeles, from September 1986 to March 1987, and Swansea University, U.K., from July 2016 to September 2019. He has published over 340 articles in peer-reviewed journals and 11 books/book chapters, including Low-Profile Natural and Metamaterial Antennas ... Author's Published Works