Author details
![Image of author Carlo Regazzoni](/mediastore/IEEE/content/freeimages/83/9991910/9991021/regaz-3229620-small.gif)
Carlo Regazzoni
Also published under: C. S. Regazzoni, Carlo S. Regazzoni, C. Regazzoni
University of Genoa, Genova, Italy
Prof. Carlo S. Regazzoni obtained the M.S. and PhD degrees from University of Genova, in 1987 and 1992, respectively. Since 2005, he is full professor of Cognitive Telecommunications systems at DITEN, University of Genova, Italy. He is coordinating international Interactive and Cognitive Environment PhD courses at UNIGE since 2008. His research interests include cognitive dynamic systems, adaptive and self- aware multimodal signal processing, Bayesian machine learning, Cognitive radio. He is author of peer-reviewed papers on more than 100 international journals and 350 at international conferences. He served in IEEE Signal Processing Society in many roles, including VP conferences in 2015-2017, Italy SPS Chapter Chair, 2010-2012, IEEE AVSS ... Author's Published Works