Author details
![Image of author Subhasish Mitra](/mediastore/IEEE/content/freeimages/8919/10768429/10561885/mitra-3410518-small.gif)
Subhasish Mitra
Also published under: S. Mitra, Subhashish Mitra, Subhasis Mitra
Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Computer Science
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, USA
Subhasish Mitra (F'13) is a Professor of electrical engineering and of computer science at Stanford University, where he directs the Stanford Robust Systems Group and co-leads the Computation focus area of the Stanford SystemX Alliance. He is also a Faculty Member of the Stanford Neurosciences Institute. He holds the Carnot Chair of Excellence in Nanosystems, CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France. Before joining the Stanford faculty, he was a Principal Engineer with Intel Corporation. His research interests range broadly across robust computing, nanosystems, VLSI design, validation, test and electronic design automation, and neurosciences. He, jointly with his students and collaborators, demonstrated the first carbon nanotube computer and the f... Author's Published Works