Author details
Ronnie Belmans
Also published under: R. Belmans, R. J. M. Belmans, R. J. Belmans, Ronnie J. M. Belmans

Ronnie Belmans
Also published under: R. Belmans, R. J. M. Belmans, R. J. Belmans, Ronnie J. M. Belmans
EnergyVille, Genk, Belgium
Ronnie Belmans (S’77–M’84–S’89–F’05) received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and Ph.D. degree from KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, in 1979 and 1984, respectively. In 1989, he added a Special Doctorate from KU Leuven and in 1993 a Habilitierung, from the RWTH, Aachen, Germany. He is currently a Full Professor at KU Leuven, teaching techno-economical aspects of power systems, electrical energy, and regulatory affairs, among others. His research interests include smart grids, security of energy supply, and the techno-economic aspects of the liberalization of the electricity market. He is the Vice President of the KU Leuven Energy Institute as well as Co-founder and CEO of EnergyVille, a research collaboration in Genk specializin... Author's Published Works