Author details

Rajamani Doraiswami
Also published under: R. Doraiswami, R. D. Doraiswami
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, Canada
Rajamani Doraiswami (M'76–SM'85) received the B.E. degree from Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute, Bombay, India, in 1962, the M.E. degree from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, in 1965, and the Ph.D. degree from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, in 1971, all in electrical engineering.,Since 1981, he has been with the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada, where he was a Professor until 2006, and is now Professor Emeritus. He was a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal Universities, Santa Catarina and Rio de Janeiro from 1971 to 1978. His research interests include control, signal processing, estimation, and pattern classification.(Based on document published on 18 August 2009). Author's Published Works