Author details
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George W. Turner
Also published under: G. W. Turner, G. Turner
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA
George W. Turner (M'OO) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, in 1972, 1975. and 1979. respectively.,In 1979, he joined Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, where he has been a Staff Member in a number of different groups in the Solid-State Division. He is currently an Assistant Leader in the Electro-Optical Materials and Devices Group. He authored or coauthored several book chapters. over 125 technical publications. and holds four U.S. patents. His research interests have covered a wide range of device fabrication and material growth areas, including avalanche photodiodes, direct energy conversion devices, and mid-infrared lasers.(Based on document published on 30 November 2006). Author's Published Works