Within the Natural Language Processing (NLP) framework, Named Entity Recognition (NER) is regarded as the basis for extracting key information to understand texts in any language. As Bangla is a highly inflectional, morphologically rich, and resource-scarce language, building a balanced NER corpus with large and diverse entities is a demanding task. However, previously developed Bangla NER systems...Show More
Forensic analysis of manipulated pixels requires the identification of various hidden and subtle features from images. Conventional image recognition models generally fail at this task because they are biased and more attentive towards the dominant local and spatial features. In this paper, we propose a novel Gated Context Attention Network (GCA-Net) that utilizes non-local attention in conjunctio...Show More
In this paper, we focus on identifying the limitations and shortcomings of existing deepfake detection frameworks. We identified some key problems surrounding deepfake detection through quantitative and qualitative analysis of existing methods and datasets. We found that deepfake datasets are highly oversampled, causing models to become easily overfitted. The datasets are created using a small set...Show More