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The Covid-19 pandemic, achieved a growth in digitization processes, in the health sector, many solutions were presented to mitigate the impact of the pandemic, in this sense, we present the implementation of a low cost system, to know the location of positive patients or patients who are waiting for test results, as well as to warn them, One of the functionalities of the system is the bidirectiona...Show More
In the studies of medical images, being able to classify the objects present in the images is of vital importance; these objects can be some structure of the human body, some malformation, and tumors, among others. One of the fundamental tasks is to be able to find the characteristics that help to classify the desired object; these characteristics can be found manually using mainly shape and color...Show More
Epilepsy is one of the characteristic diseases of brain activity. People with this disease live with the symptoms and try to control the events to mitigate the effects that they may cause, such as a fall, blow, or any other consequence. In these times of pandemic caused by COVID-19, many of the people who have this disease present many events in a row, which can be caused by many factors, such as ...Show More