Author details
J. Lau
Also published under: J. H. Lau
Agilent Technologies
Santa Clara, CA, USA
John H. Lau (M'88–SM'90–F'94) received the B.E. degree in civil engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., the M.A.Sc. degree in structural engineering from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., the M.S. degree in engineering physics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, the M.S. degree in management science from Fairleigh Dickinson University, Rutherford, NJ, and the Ph.D. degree in theoretical and applied mechanics from the University of Illinois, Urbana.,He is one of the Interconnection Scientists of Agilent Technologies, Inc. His current interests cover a broad range of photonics and electronics packaging and manufacturing technology. Prior to Agilent, he worked for Express Packaging Systems... Author's Published Works