Author details

Xin Jin
Ningbo Institute of Digital Twin
Eastern Institute of Technology
Ningbo, China
Xin Jin (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and information engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 2022.,He is currently a tenure track Assistant Professor with the Eastern Institute for Advanced Study (EIAS)/Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT), Ningbo, China. He is also a Researcher of the Ningbo Institute of Digital Twin, Ningbo. He has more than seven granted patent applications, around 40 publications, and over 1500 Google citations. His research interests include image/video compression, low-level vision, person/vehicle reidentification, and domain generalization/adaptation.,Dr. Jin is a Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing( TIP), IEEE Transactions on Multi... Author's Published Works