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Kyoko Ohashi - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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This paper addresses the challenge of modeling the frequency-dependent network impedance of downstream high voltage (HV) networks for accurate harmonic studies in extra high voltage (EHV) transmission systems. With the increasing integration of renewable energy sources, HVDC stations, and Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), the accurate assessment of harmonic levels within transmission syste...Show More
Acquiring the phase connection information of low-voltage distribution networks (LVDNs) is of paramount importance for power utility to achieve fine-grained operation of LVDNs. This paper presents a hierarchical clustering-based approach for phase identification in LVDNs, leveraging the voltage monitoring data from the advanced measurement infrastructures (AMIs). Firstly, principal component analy...Show More
A recent collaboration between the TUD Dresden University of Technology and King’s College London explored the challenges associated with modeling the harmonic impedance of distribution systems and assessing its effects at higher voltage levels. Two network models, incorporating both transmission and distribution system representations, were utilized. For each model, different parameters were cons...Show More
This paper studies the utilization of harmonic emission limits based on measurements in medium voltage networks in Germany. Disturbance measurements carried out over one week at around 100 different sites, including medium voltage customers and downstream low voltage networks, provide a credible basis for the analysis. The analysis focuses on the utilization of emission limits based on the harmoni...Show More
The current technical standards for allocating harmonic emission limits in transmission systems do not consider series-connected distorting installations (like TCSC, HVDC links, etc.). This paper introduces a novel approach for the calculation of harmonic emission limits for series elements. The approach is developed based on the results of simulations of a test network with TCSCs connected in dif...Show More
This paper proposes a dual dynamic phasor analysis method for the supraharmonics (SHs) in voltage source converters (VSCs). With double Fourier transformation, a periodical signal with two different frequencies can be presented in frequency domain. Pulse width modulation (PWM) with modulation signals and carrier signals can be depicted as dual dynamic phasors (DDPs) defined by the double Fourier t...Show More
Harmonic State Estimation (HSE) integrates measurements and simulations to fully determine the voltages and current harmonics of the network. However, the measurement uncertainty may affect significantly the results of the HSE. This paper analyses the influence of the typical uncertainty of PQ instruments on the results of HSE for transmission networks. The results show that PQ instruments accordi...Show More
This Task Force paper presents several important aspects on modelling single-phase power electronic converters (PECs) for power system distortion studies in the 2-150 kHz frequency range (also referred to as supraharmonics). The paper summarizes the state of the art and provides a systematic framework for the development of models of the unintentional emissions produced by modern PECs in this freq...Show More
Bidirectional active energy flows are expected to increase in electrical distribution systems (DSs) worldwide as a result of future incentives to exchange energy within local energy communities. Distributed generation (e.g., solar rooftop photovoltaic systems) in combination with full-cycle pulsewidth regulated loads (e.g., thermal appliances or some energy diverters), battery storage systems, or ...Show More
Adjustable speed drives are widely used in the industry and, in view of costs, frequently have a diode bridge interface to the grid. While it is well-known that this causes current harmonics, the nature of the response to harmonics in the grid voltage waveforms, in particular, if they are unbalanced, is not well-explored. This work develops a model for the input performance of the drive as a frequ...Show More
The standard flickermeter algorithm commonly used for the evaluation of flicker severity in current electromagnetic compatibility standards originates from the 1980s. It was developed with an incandescent lamp as a reference light source and optimized to voltage fluctuations caused by arc furnaces. However, the algorithm is questionable as the situation in the grid changed since the 1980s; many mo...Show More
Power Quality (PQ) disturbances have an impact on electrical installations and equipment. Waveform distortions like harmonics create additional losses and reduce the efficiency of the power converter controls, and therefore should be kept below admissible limits to cope with Standards and regulatory schemes. Relying on accurate predictions of the future values of harmonics can help distribution sy...Show More
Characterization of frequency-dependent network impedance is vital for harmonic emission evaluation, stability studies as well as for the optimum design of power-line communication technologies. This work presents a simulation-based performance comparison of three techniques that are used to obtain the network harmonic impedance. Two broadband methods, the passive pseudo-random binary sequence and...Show More
Distributed generation in combination with switching adaptive loads providing optimized energy management in the prosumers' installations results in bidirectional active energy flow. If the changes are frequent or even periodical with period close to the aggregation time window of standard revenue meters, the deviation from really correct readings in export and import registers might be significan...Show More
The increasing number of installed renewable power generators, e.g. photovoltaic systems, leads to a significant growth of power electronic devices, especially in public low voltage networks. To analyze and assess the harmonic emission and the harmonic stability, i.e. the device characteristics in the frequency range up to 2 kHz, suitable device representations are required. The representation of ...Show More
The growth of renewable energy generators in public energy networks demands suitable approaches to simulate future power grids, e.g. low voltage networks. One main distributed energy generator are small power photovoltaic systems interconnected by single-phase inverters. The increasing penetration of such inverters requires models that are suitable for large-scale studies. This study analyses the ...Show More
The IEC voltage flickermeter and light flickermeter are algorithms used to estimate the severity of flicker produced by artificial lighting systems. The algorithm was developed around incandescent lamps. In an effort to revise and update the algorithm to be compatible also with LED lamps, the flicker sensitivity curve needs to be verified with white light produced by LEDs, which have a distinct sp...Show More
Aim of the paper is to conduct a survey of the present market, focusing on the best-selling retrofit LED lamps and to analyze experimentally their fundamental EMC performance for subsequent classification of the LED drivers. Two stage experimental characterization testing approach is adopted. First, input current and output luminous flux in steady-state under nominal supply conditions is acquired....Show More
This article presents the results of the immunity evaluation of mass-market electrical appliances subjected to harmonic and interharmonic distortion of the supply voltage. Therefore, the immunity of twenty selected single-phase electrical appliances is evaluated within a comprehensive framework that considers perceptible malfunctions and long-term adverse impacts. Furthermore, a specially designed...Show More
This paper proposes a frequency domain model that can be applied to any three-phase three-wire power electronic (PE) interface (no neutral connection). The model is obtained using a phase domain frequency coupling matrix and can be used to estimate the response of the PE interface under unbalanced harmonic conditions in low-voltage applications. The frequency coupling matrix is developed by linear...Show More
Harmonic resonance is increasingly observed in many European residential low-voltage networks, which can cause increased harmonic disturbance levels. An aggregated simulation model can be used to analyze the resonance phenomenon. Various literature has developed different frequency-domain aggregated representations of LV networks. But they are not realistic for harmonic resonance studies. To bridg...Show More
The frequency range from 9 kHz to 150 kHz is still lacking a complete normative measurement framework. At the moment, it is not fully clear how well measurements of equipment emissions performed in laboratory environment compare with emissions measured in real low voltage networks, mainly due to different impedance conditions. This paper addresses this issue by presenting a comparison of emissions...Show More
Harmonic filter bank performance could be affected by network configuration changes. Assessment of filter performance in a distribution network with different distortion sources and dynamic configuration states is needed for evaluation of contractual obligations on harmonic emission. By using aggregated harmonic phasors and identifying the range of harmonic phase angles where the filter causes sec...Show More
Devices connected to the low-voltage power grid generate disturbances that can cause malfunctions and thermal stress in the equipment connected to the mains or interference on power line communications. Currently, there is no normative method to measure the disturbances in the low voltage grid for the CISPR Band A (9-150 kHz). The Annex C of IEC 61000-4-30 Ed. 3 standard suggests three non-normati...Show More
This paper presents the use of a modular time domain model to study the interaction of single-phase photovoltaic inverters in public low voltage networks. Currently, specific time domain implementations of individual inverters are designed and studied from a power electronics perspective. If circuit and controller are unknown, e.g. for commercially available photovoltaic inverters, time domain mod...Show More