Author details
![Image of author Hao Chen](/mediastore/IEEE/content/freeimages/8858/10592103/10247563/chen-3314612-small.gif)
Hao Chen
College of Information Science and Technology
Jinan University
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Hao Chen received the PhD degree in mathematics from the Institute of Mathematics, Fudan University, in 1991. He is currently a professor with the College of Information Science and Technology/Cyber Security, Jinan University. His research interests include coding and cryptography, quantum information and computation, lattices, and algebraic geometry. He has published a series of papers in Crypto, Eurocrypt, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, etc. He was the recipient of the NSFC outstanding young scientist grant, in 2002.(Based on document published on 12 September 2023). Author's Published Works