Feng Li - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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We show that the RANA approach, which reliably retrieves pulses in stable trains, reliably retrieves pulses in third-order FROG even in the presence of unstable pulse shapes. Importantly, it reliably indicates the presence of instability.Show More
We demonstrate that with transient grating, ultraviolet pulse shapes can be encoded in near-infrared nonlinear optical signals, even in a non-instantaneous medium. We present measurements of chirped 400 nm pulses made in an absorbing medium.Show More
The coherent artifact hinders accurate inversion of pulse measurements. Here we demonstrate a FROG algorithm to accurately retrieve not only the average pulse shape but also the artifact itself, providing access to the underlying coherence properties.Show More
A single shot, complete spatiotemporal measurement of the complex electric field E(x, y, z, t) emitted by a high power (> 0.1 TW) laser is demonstrated for the first time. We generate movies of the laser's electric field E(x, y, z, t) before and after the chirped pulse amplification chain and examine the temporal, spectral, and spatial field features.Show More
We show that the recently introduced RANA FROG pulse-retrieval approach provides an exceptionally reliable indication of pulse-shape stability vs. instability in trains of pulses.Show More
We introduce a practical self-referenced device for the complete temporal intensity-and-phase measurement of few-femtojoule-level fs and ps pulses based on the simple version of frequency-resolved-optical gating, called GRENOUILLE. We replace the usual crossed-beam line-focus geometry with a point-focus near-collinear-beam geometry and a traditional delay line that allows a longer path length in t...Show More
We experimentally compare a thick BIBO crystal, a walk-off compensating configuration of thin BBO crystals, and a thin PPLN crystal for the use as a nonlinear medium in SHG FROG, aiming for increased sensitivity required for complete pulse characterization of low-energy (below pJ) pulses a few picoseconds long at wavelengths near 1030 nm. We investigate the dependence of the spectral bandwidth of ...Show More
We further improve and then demonstrate the reliability of the previously introduced RANA approach for the second-harmonic-generation frequency-resolved optical gating (SHG FROG) phase-retrieval algorithm in the presence of significant noise in the traces. We provide a set of relevant parameters for this approach according to the noise level and trace size. Using it, we achieve 100% convergence fo...Show More
We introduce a FROG algorithmic approach that always converges and is faster. It involves retrieving the correct spectrum directly from the trace and implementing a multi-grid scheme with multiple initial guessesShow More
We introduce a practical, sensitive and self-referenced frequency-resolved optical gating technique for measuring picosecond pulses with femtojoule energies. We demonstrate the capability of this technique to measure a pulse with complex temporal and spectral structure. © 2019 The Author(s)Show More
Frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG) is widely used to measure ultrashort laser pulses, also providing an excellent indication of pulse-shape instabilities by disagreement between measured and retrieved FROG traces. However, FROG requires-but currently lacks-an extremely reliable pulse-retrieval algorithm; therefore, this work provides one. It uses a simple procedure for directly retrieving th...Show More
We review the state of the art of ultrashort-laser-pulse measurement. One such set of techniques (and the first) is the well-known class of frequency-resolved-optical-gating (FROG) techniques, which can measure the intensity and phase vs. time (and frequency) for essentially arbitrary pulses without requiring any assumptions about the pulse. Another set includes two methods for measuring the inten...Show More
We improved the FROG-algorithm convergence speed for very complex pulses using a "multi-grid" technique, reducing the convergence time by a factor of ~7 for cross-correlation FROG for pulses with time-bandwidth products from 40 to 90.Show More
Pulses often possess random amounts of linear chirp. We find that SPIDER cannot detect this variation, yielding instead a shorter, flat-phase, coherent artifact. SHG FROG can and provides a better estimate of the average pulse.Show More
A multi-delay spatiotemporal measurement technique is introduced to characterize multi-mode fiber long pulses without additional pulse pre-compression. Two-mode fibers and four-mode fibers were tested with extended temporal measurement range, indicating different modes experiencing different dispersion.Show More
Simulations show that variable relative phase of a satellite pulse causes the satellite to wash out of a SPIDER measurement completely. FROG and autocorrelation measurements see satellite pulses but cannot determine their precise properties.Show More
We study intensity-and-phase measurements of unstable trains of pulses using multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan (MIIPS). MIIPS retrieves only a coherent artifact and so can under-estimates pulse lengths, but wider measured traces can indicate instability.Show More
MIIPS is a popular method for compressing femtosecond pulses. It is not ideal for complex pulses, like those produced by self-phase modulation. We show that several limitations are fixed by an improvement called G-MIIPS.Show More
Using a newly developed technique, we measure the complete spatiotemporal field of ultrashort pulses emerging from dual-mode optical fibers, finding spatiotemporal complexity, introduced by the different spatial modes, having different group velocities and modal dispersions.Show More
We study multi-shot intensity-and-phase measurements of unstable trains of ultrashort pulses using two-dimensional spectral shearing interferometry (2DSI) and self-referenced spectral interferometry (SRSI) in order to identify warning signs of pulse-shape instability.Show More
Our simple device measures the complete spatiotemporal field of an arbitrary ultrashort pulse complex in both space and time (x, y, t). We also demonstrate a method for displaying the resulting dual plots of complex four-dimensional data.Show More
We demonstrate the first technique for the complete temporal measurement of a single supercontinuum pulse. We achieve large ranges and high resolutions using polarization gating, a tilted gate pulse, and the cancellation of geometrical smearing.Show More
We demonstrate the use of pulse-front tilt in cross-correlation frequency-resolved optical gating (XFROG) to measure complex many-picosecond-long pulses on a single shot.Show More
We simulate multi-shot measurements of trains of pulses with unstable shapes using SPIDER, SRSI, SHG FROG, PG FROG, and XFROG. Interferometric methods measure only the coherent artifact, while FROG methods better approximate the trains.Show More