I. Introduction
A Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (BB-ADCP) is used to measure ocean currents by utilizing the Doppler effect (the change in frequency of a wave caused by the motion of a source or a reflector) to measure the speed and direction of water currents. The ADCP instrument is used to measure water velocity, ADCP device is mounted on a moving platform, like a ship as shown in Fig. 1.A BB-ADCP operates by emitting high-frequency sound pulses into the water and measuring the frequency shift of the returning echoes [1]. By analyzing the Doppler shift of the echoes, the velocity of the water particles in the direction of the sound wave propagation can be determined using the ADCP instrument [1]–[3]. BB-ADCPs are commonly used in oceanographic research and marine engineering projects to obtain data on ocean currents, tides, and water circulation patterns. BB-ADCPs are also used in hydrological studies and for monitoring coastal erosion and the movements of oceanic fronts. BB-ADCPs have several advantages over their narrowband counterparts, including improved accuracy, higher resolution, and the ability to operate in shallow or turbid waters.
Acoustic doppler current profiler