I. Introduction
In order to meet the demand of Sixth Generation Mobile Communications(6G) in the future, many scholars regard Visible Light Communication (VLC) as one of the most promising wireless communication technologies to supplement 6G [1], [2]. In the case of massive VLC Access Points(APs), in order to satisfy the capacity, latency, and seamless connectivity of 6G for the terminal users, an additional network architecture should be adopted for the 6G+VLC network. Thus, the user communicates with one or more unspecified cooperative APs instead of being associated with a single AP. A Voronoi-coordinated multipoint technique was proposed in a user- central cell-less architecture network to address the severe interference in densely deployed same-frequency small base stations [3]. Local moving software-defined cloudlet transmission and scheduling management-aided 5G cell-less moving vehicle access network was proposed in [4]. Three simple but workable strategies were proposed for vehicle selection by the cooperative moving APs to ensure secure communications, low latency, high connectivity, and high data rate between vehicles. For dense deployments cloud radio access network (C-RAN), a context-tailored time-division-duplex (TDD) network was investigated in [5]. This network enabled a cell-less experience within overlapping areas by optimizing power control and delay targets.