I. Introduction
Estimating and/or sensing relative bearing between robots is important for many multi-robot tasks such as coverage, rendezvous, and distributed mapping amongst others [1], [2]. This typically requires using external infrastructures such as GPS, pre-deployed wireless tags or beacons [3], and/or exchanging shared maps [4] and landmarks as with Simul-taneous Localization and Mapping [5]. Reliance on shared maps or features for estimating relative bearing is particularly difficult when robots are operating in remote areas from one another, or in environments with nonline-of-sight (NLOS) to each other. Thus, when operating in unknown or GPS-denied environments with walls and other occlusions, obtaining relative bearing using traditional sensing modalities like camera or LiDAR is very challenging. The use of wireless signals has been studied as a novel sensing mechanism where their ability to traverse walls and occlusions has been exploited specifically for NLOS situations [6]–[8]. Based on this understanding of wireless signals, we intend to address the limitation of relative bearing sensing in NLOS for general and unknown environments using robots' local onboard resources. Hence, we develop and release the WiFi-Sensor-for-Robotics (WSR) toolbox.