I. Introduction
After more than 50 years of development, sliding mode variable structure control has formed a relatively independent research branch, which is very suitable for the time-varying, strongly coupled multi-input and multi-output nonlinear system control of cooperative six-degree-of-freedom robots [1]. In [2], the terminal sliding mode control algorithm considering nonlinear terms is applied to the tracking control of collaborative robots, which shows its superiority in the control of nonlinear systems. Literature [3] designed a non-singular terminal sliding mode surface, based on which the third-order sliding mode finite-time attitude control law was obtained; Literature [4] studies an adaptive fast terminal sliding mode control algorithm combined with global sliding mode. It ensures that the system tends to a sliding stable state within a limited time; Literature [5] proposed an integral terminal sliding mode controller to realize the tracking control of collaborative robots; Literature [6] uses a fuzzy logic system to compensate for unknown uncertainties in the system. Then, the terminal sliding modal surface is designed using the adaptive backstepping method. Thus, a variable structure controller with both robust and adaptive properties is obtained; Literature [7] uses the sliding mode control algorithm to realize the linear pose tracking control of the collaborative robot in the two-dimensional plane; Literature [8] designed a single-constant sliding mode controller and introduced a disturbance observer to control the multi-degree-of-freedom collaborative robot to achieve better control effects; Literature [9] combines sliding mode control and feedback linearization control to design a feedback linearization collaborative robot pose tracking control strategy; Literature [10] proposed a sliding mode variable structure control algorithm with a time-varying boundary layer, which not only weakens chattering and improves the robustness of the system, but also further improves the accuracy of trajectory tracking control; Literature [11] designed a sliding mode controller based on exponential approach rate. At the same time, the chattering problem caused by the sliding mode variable structure controller was weakened by introducing a saturation function and an adaptive adjustment algorithm, and the steady-state tracking error of the trajectory tracking was improved. Metrics such as tracking adjustment time have also been greatly improved.