I. Introduction
According to the data report on cars ownership in 2020, the country’s car ownership reached 281 million, which has increase of 8.1% over 2019. Many cars can be created under the same main color. Different colors, although many colors do not look very different, only gray has 140 different colors in the car market, and blue has 160. It can be seen that the color richness of vehicles on road traffic has increased exponentially, and it also puts forward higher requirements for traffic detection systems, criminal investigation fields, and road detection systems. With the continuous increase of vehicle color [1] categories, the difficulty of real-time decision making cases has increased to a certain extent. At the same time, body color of vehicle as the most significant and stable feature of the vehicle itself, is also one of the main clues widely used in vehicle recognition [1, 2], avoiding the license plate as recognition errors caused by decks, fake number, or man-made damages when recognizing features can improve the accuracy of vehicle recognition to a certain extent [2, 3].