I. Introduction
The COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) has significantly af-fected people’ s lifestyles worldwide. One of the biggest prob-lems of this virus has been the number of deaths that have been registered because of this infection, so the medical sector is one of the sectors with the highest demand at present even after the vaccination process. The COVID-19 pandemic has been broadly recognized as a public health emergency of global concern as described in [1]. There are several epidemiological models around the world to project the number of people infected and the mortality rates of the COVID-19 outbreak as mentioned in [2]. The progress of accurate predictive models is of extreme importance to take adequate actions and aid in making important decisions about the conditions of infected patients. The COVID-19 virus arrived in Mexico in 2020, but before to the vaccination campaigns the number of infections and deaths was increased considerably. One reason for this problem has been the economic problems suffered by most citizens. This situation drives people to leave behind social isolation irresponsibly and massively, besides the public health policies that governments face, as mentioned in [3]. The number of people admitted to the hospital daily for this disease was higher than the government's estimates. This problem leads to the situation where the necessity to establish priority among the patients arises and identify which are the critical patients and with a high risk of dying. Unfortunately, no method or model helps to identify which are the critical patients or there is not a model that determines the patients with a higher likelihood of dying given their comorbidity conditions. This paper proposes a model based on a Deep Neuronal Network (DNN) or also known as a multilayer perceptrons model (MLP) which is based on the clinical record of patients registered in Mexican hospitals for presenting symptoms of COVID-19 and predicts which are the critical patients with a high likelihood of death or a high possibility of living.