I. Introduction
Comparing radio frequency (RF) to optical wireless communication (OWC) techniques, the advantages of the latter are well known: no regulatory and license issues, rather inexpensive and easy to deploy, high throughput and no problems with data security, just to mention the most signifi-cant aspects in this context [1]–[4]. In addition, unlimited bandwidth is frequently mentioned as an important feature, albeit this is for many scenarios not true in the strict sense due to inevitable hardware constraints of opto-electronic components in transmitter and receiver units [5]. A strong argument for a bandlimited approach is also that algorithms for parameter estimation and synchronization, which are indispensable for powerful RF architectures, would become applicable to OWC systems as well [6], [7]. Further reasons for bandwidth constraints are related to multipath distortions in optical indoor systems or dispersion effects in optical fiber networks [8], [9].