I. Introduction
Wireless communication has become an integral part of the daily life. Dominated especially by the tremendous success of cellular technology, wireless communication has permeated in almost each and every field of modern civilization. Fur-thermore, wireless communications evolves in parallel with the contemporary needs and requirements in diverse ways. Voice, data, video, multimedia, Internet browsing, social me-dia, gaming, virtual and augmented reality, tele-presence ap-plications, and services provided by cyberphysical systems are some instances of the contemporary uses of wireless communications. Therefore, it is expected that next generation wireless networks (NGWNs) should provide enhanced set of services and applications beside the already-existing ones with higher performance, data rates, and quality of experience by employing energy efficient designs and algorithms. It is clear that many of the requirements listed above are in conflict; thus, it is very difficult to come up with a compromised solution for the emerging technologies and NGWNs.