I. Introduction
Quasi-cyclic LDPC (QC-LDPC) codes, are attractive for implementation purposes since they can be encoded with low complexity using simple feedback shift-registers [1] and their structure leads to efficiencies in decoder design [2]. Moreover, QC-LDPC codes can be shown to perform well compared to random LDPC codes for moderate block lengths [3], [4]. However, unlike typical members of an asymptotically good protograph-based LDPC code ensemble, the QC sub-ensemble does not have linear distance growth. Indeed, if the protograph base matrix consists of only ones and zeros, then the minimum Hamming distance is bounded above by (nc + 1)!, where nc is the number of check nodes in the protograph, regardless of the lifting factor N [5]. This result was extended to multi-edge protographs in [6]. Significant effort has been made in the coding theory community to design QC-LDPC code matrices with minimum distance and girth approaching these bounds, see [3], [4], [7]–[10] and references therein.