I. Introduction
In an interconnected power system, the task of supplying the load is the responsibility of different generators, among which the share of each generator in supplying the network load depends on the cost of generating the generators. Properly allocating a share of total demand can actually reduce fuel costs. Determining the actual generating capacity of generators so that the cost of production in the power system is minimized is known as economic load dispatch (ELD) and its purpose is to provide power to the maximum number of subscribers economically. For this purpose, the demand of the load and all the constraints of equality and inequality such as the balance of generation and consumption and the limits of generation are met in a certain period of time [1]. The ELD problem is classified into both convex and non-convex. The convex ELD problem assumes a simple form of objective function that uses linear constraints and constraints to minimize it. Therefore, in this case, the ELD problem is an approximate and simple problem. In the case of non-convex ELD, the cost function is reduced while constraints such as Prohibited Operating Zones (POZ) and the valve-point loading effects are nonlinear assumed. On the other hand, economic load dispatch is an online operation that is performed after every 15–30 minutes or upon request in power control centers, in which the load is dispatched between the production units in parallel with the system in such a way that the total cost of the operation is At least reach. Also, generators are programmed to use low-cost generators as much as possible [2].