I. Introduction
Advances in computation, manufacturing and communication technology bring the notion of the Internet of things (IoT) and IoT-based applications are comprehensively used in smart cities such as smart homes, security, tracking and localization, education and so on [22]. The introduction of IoT in sports is gaining alot of momentum in the sports industry to make a seamless and interactive experience for athletes as well as fans. IoT was introduced in the 1990s when the internet was connected with a toaster to make it remote-controlled [1]. With the advancement of time, IoT technology represents an extensive ecosystem where applications have expanded to health, automation, agriculture, sports. Introduction of IoT technologies in smart sports industry is changing its landscape [2]. At present, integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing companies are producing an abundance of microelectronics, telecommunication devices, data analysis processes and sen-sors. These help to implement plenty of wearable devices [3] and all of these IoT technologies and devices are employed to monitor health from different perspectives [4]. Sportsmen health monitoring is one of the multifaceted applications of wearable IoT devices [5] whereas these devices collect and store data on their performance and progression. IoT has opened up a plethora of applications for athlete and depth analysis of athlete performance [6]. With the advancement of technology and the IoT revolution, the market of healthcare devices increasing rapidly both in the research and commercial field. In the wearable device market, the amount of revenue was 265.4 billion in 2026 [21]. It is important to study user requirements and demand for integrating new devices and these devices are expected to be efficient, reliable and unobtrusive.