I. Introduction
Over the past few years, cloud computing has provided an efficient cloud computing platform for businesses, healthcare, and smart systems. Various other services are also available, including security for databases, network management, and software management. Customers can take advantage of a highly flexible and dynamic virtualization resource offered through cloud computing. There is wide research being conducted to determine how to properly implement task scheduling to maximize the customer's resources. There is still an NP-hard problem that cloud computing platforms must deal with, which calls for the use of new innovative algorithms. Datacenters are allocated to the cloud, which is utilized globally, where each data center has thousands of servers, and each server is divided into multiple virtual machines. Many enterprises continue to utilize the cloud during the pandemic period [1] and are ready to spend money on multi-cloud and hybrid clouds. Enterprises spend Thirty-six percent of annual spending on cloud computing, and Eighty-three percent spend more than $1.2 million per year on cloud computing. Ninety-two percent of enterprises consider utilizing multi-cloud strategies, while 82 percent consider hybrid cloud strategies. To provide prominent services to the users, the datacenters need enormous electric power, increasing a wide operating cost. Cloud centers consume approximately 1.3% of electric power worldwide which randomly a 9% increase in 2020.