I. Introduction
A business' IT systems keep growing as their operations go on increasing. This becomes challenging when new features need to be added, changes have to be made or functions have to be scaled. The IT industry is constantly under great pressure to enhance agility as well as enable faster delivery of new functionality to the business domain. A specific focus of importance is the deployment of new or improved application programs at the immediate frequency that any digital transformation demands [1]. Using containers, complex programs with their configuration and deployment related dependencies are encapsulated and run in an isolated environment making applications portable, hence adopted in High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters [2]. Containerization is a type of virtualization of the operating system, by means of which applications can be executed in isolated, independent user spaces called containers, while all of them make use of the same shared operating system (OS) [3]. Containerization provides the benefits of: increased portability, improved scalability, simple and fast deployment, enhanced productivity and improved security. Kubernetes is a container orchestration solution [4] which simplifies the management of multiple containerized applications. It facilitates the automation of the deployment, scaling and networking of containers and encompasses portability and extensibility in its platform for management of containerized workloads and services, allowing declarative configuration as well as automation [5]. Kubernetes achieves reliability and availability of services during server downtime and physical disk damage [6]. The application performs backup of user data upon authentication of the user's identity. It is deployed in Kubernetes with a front end service monitoring the cluster and its pods. However, it becomes a tedious and complex process to write configuration files for each module of the application in the Kubernetes setup. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to automate the process of configuration of individual Kubernetes services and deployments.